Wombourne Writers
A group of unpublished and published writers who meet monthly to learn new skills and have fun.
About us:
We are a small friendly group who write in all genres. We meet at Wombourne library on the first Wednesday each month at 7.15pm. First meeting is free, afterwards membership is £1 per month.
Friday, March 5, 2021
March 2021
Next meeting will be on Weds 7th April 7.30pm via Zoom. Hopefully we will be able to return to the library for regular meetings in the summer.
Homework for April: Title - ICELAND
Could be one word or split into two, use Iceland to inspire a piece of writing in any format, genre you like. Up to 500 words approx.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
February 2021
Another well attended and enjoyable Zoom meeting took place. Congratulations to Emma who has a book deal for her children's book. Also congratulations to Helena, her books are currently in the top 100 in the USA, Canada and Australian Kindle charts! Homework for next meeting is to write a 200-300 word piece based on a ridiculous newspaper headline as if you are the journalist reporting on the story. This can be loaded onto Slack before the next meeting on March 3rd. Any new members are requested to contact Emma via our facebook group or here for details.
Monday, December 14, 2020
December 2020
Two fabulous meetings this month. Our annual Christmas party was held virtually via Zoom, with thanks to Robyn for the quiz. Our second meeting had a quiz by Karen, literary hats and congratulations to Emma on her publishing deal to Penguin Random House!!Also congratulations to Helena for her recent interview on BBC radio Somerset. The next meeting will be Jan 6th, also held virtually. Homework is to write a fictional recipe with fictional ingredients. To be posted to Slack by Jan 4th. Word count up to 400 words.
We also took time to remember our former Chair and founding member, Pam Dyke who has sadly passed away. Many happy reminicences and stories were shared about her wonderful writing, kindness and support of her fellow writers. She will be much missed.
Any new members wishing to join can contact us via this blog or via our facebook page. Wishing all our members past and present a very Happy, Healthy Christmas and New Year.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
October 2020
The group held another “Zoom” meeting on Wednesday 7th October, unfortunately only a few members were able to attend. We had a lively discussion on the previous work subject of “Invent a superhero” and people’s different approach to the subject was noticeable from the work published on “Slack”. Karen told us that she had recently given a talk on her ancestry and this led to discussion by other members, about their own ancestry, with some surprising disclosures about genes within their family. In respect of the next AGM due in November, it was decidedthat, due to present circumstances, it may be better for present officers to keep their roles for the time being but if anyone wished to step down, they should inform the Secretary by email or “Slack” or at the next meeting and volunteers, for replacement, would be sought. It was also suggested that the yearly accounts should be delayed until we can meet in person or arrangements can made to discuss them on “Zoom”. Homework for October was set as “Family True” fact or fiction up to 500 words. Whether, it is a “bluff” or not to be found out at our next meeting “Sounds interesting”. Details of the next meeting will be provided by the Secretary nearer the time. Hope to see you there Eric Newton Vice Chairman
Sunday, September 27, 2020
September 2020
The group held their September Zoom meeting on Thurs 6th September.
Due to various circumstances, only a few members were able to attend. Although the meeting was quiet, it was quite fun and it was lovely to celebrate Carol’s win in the NAWG 24 hour flash fiction competition and chat about virtual NAWG festival events.
Homework for the next meeting is: Invent a superhero, human or extra terrestrial or animal, evil or good 500 words approx.
Next meeting will again be via Zoom on Wednesday 7th October at
7.30pm. Details can be obtained from the Secretary. Hope to see you
there. Eric Newton Vice Chairman
Monday, August 10, 2020
August 2020
Our Zoom meeting this month was held on Thursday 6 th August and was attended by the usual regular members. General discussion ranged from the current state of the virus epidemic to the effect it was having on people’s social and cultural activities. Several members had posted their July homework on “Slack”, which was “a travel article” and it was commented on by members at the meeting, how different the pieces where on the same subject and yet most were of visual impressions.. The meeting then
discussed the NAWG competition. The results have not yet been published but Carol has been informed that she is shortlisted in the “memoir” section.
Helen gave us an insight into her approach to writing a novel and said that she works most effectively when she has to meet a deadline. The homework for August was set by Mark as “ A story board for an imaginary musical”, maximum 800 words, to be submitted by 6thSeptember as our next “zoom” meeting will be on Wed 9th Sept. New members or returning members are always most welcome to join or rejoin, please contact us here or via our secretary Emma on our facebook page. See you there. Eric Newton. Vice Chairman.

Thursday, July 2, 2020
July 2020
Our usual monthly meeting on Wed1st July and was another Zoom meeting. Matters discussed included the status of the library, which Mary said she would check but it looks likely meetings will continue to be held on Zoom for the foreseeable future. If people aren’t comfortable with Zoom but would still like to share their writing, it can
be posted on Zoom. If you have a problem with this please contact Emma, who may be able to help. For those posting homework, on Slack, if you would rather not have
feedback or you’d prefer only positive feedback, just mention this when you post.
The matter of this year’s Christmas Tree Festival was raised, which unless there is a big change between now and December is likely to be going virtual this year. However, it was suggested that we could all still do pieces of writing and Emma would look into whether she can create a virtual tree. The group congratulated Helen on her book launch this week “Murder at the Playhouse”, details of which can be found on the Amazon website. Homework for the next meeting is “A travel article
based on a fictional place” (500 words max.). It can be completely made up or a location based on a story, film or TV series, encouraging us to visit the place. Please
post your homework by 1st August. The next Zoom meeting will be Wed5th Aug 2020 at 07.30pm. Hope to see you there. Eric Newton Vice Chairman.

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